★★★★☆ 4/5 stars
This book is exceptional! As the title suggests, Gregoire lists and explains 9 different thoughts that can help you have a better marriage. The book points out that "marriage is not about marrying the right person, but about becoming the right person." Often times it is our attitudes and beliefs that are causing conflict in our marriages. I found many helpful insights while reading this book; after realizing that I can only change myself, it became easier to deal with things that lead to arguments.
I like how the book is broken up into 9 different sections and that the steps are practical. Gregoire lists the thought, explains how it will change your marriage, and uses the bible to make her point. There are many bible verses throughout the book, and many real-life stories.
When reading this I had many ah-ha moments. I can already see how things are better in my marriage by applying some of the practical steps from this book. As a bonus, it gave me a better understanding of many scripture readings. In marriage, the relationship settles into a balance (whether healthy or not); therefore to really embark on change you only need to make changes to yourself. This will cause the relationship balance to shift and you may find things going in your favor after all.
I recommend this book to any married woman. It is written from a woman's perspective and feels geared towards women. The only reason I took off 1 star is that I found some passages to be redundant.
If you are interested in reading this book you can find it here
Happy Reading!
~*~ The Bookworm Geek ~*~
*note* I received this book free in order to read and provide an honest review. I have only given my honest thoughts; I was not paid for this review, nor told how to rate the book.