Monday, May 9, 2016

Wonderland Adult Coloring Book ~ Amily Shen

3 out of 5 stars

I love adult coloring books.  They are relaxing and a fun way to spend time with my artsy daughter.  We love the intricate designs and how amazing the pictures look when colored.  

Wonderland is an adult coloring book inspired by Alice's Adventures.  Being a huge fan of Alice I thought I would love this book and was quick to order it.  That excitement faded as I looked through the pages.  

Most pages have simple designs and there is a lot of white space.  Every so many pages there is a "chapter page" with the chapter number and a very simple design around it, following this is a page of words - a loosely interpreted story of Alice.  This essentially wastes two pages of the book as they are not interesting to color.  As I said, they are also every few pages!

I think the author needs to decide if she is making a story book, or a coloring book.  

There are a few fun designs in the book, however I would like more intricate pages to color and less story. 

If you are interested in this book you can find it here.  

Happy Reading!

 ~*~ The Bookworm Geek ~*~

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Straight Talking ~ Jane Green

What can I say, another awesome Jane Green novel.  I could barely put this book down!  It was a very quick, fun read.  If life didn't get in the way it would have been finished in two days instead of a week.

Jane Green does a great job "straight talking" in this book.  The main character, Tasha, is afraid of commitment and constantly searching for "the one."  In some parts of this book I was screaming "Why you fool? Why?!"

This is a fluff read, nothing too deep, just something to keep you busy.
If you are in your mid to late 20's and single, this is the book for you.

If you are interested in reading this book you can find it here.

Happy Reading! ~*~ The Bookworm Geek ~*~

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Babyville ~ Jane Green

This book was great!  Even though the title is Babyville, the story is not really about babies.  This is a story of three women - Julia, Maeve and Sam. All three women are struggling with their relationships and their identity.  I enjoyed reading about each of the three women's lives and the situations they were forced to deal with.  This book drew me in right from the start and held my attention the whole way through.

Each time the book switched to a new person I was left wondering what happened to the other's life.  However, as the story progresses, each woman's life becomes intertwined with the others.  I found myself relating to each woman differently.

It is intriguing and crazy to see where these three women end up in their lives.  This book was hard to put down and I finished it in four or five days.  I would recommend it to anyone.

If you are interested in this book you can find it here.

Happy Reading!

 ~*~ The Bookworm Geek ~*~

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Doodletopia: Cartoons: Draw, Design, and Color Your Own Super-Fun Cartoon Creations

Doodletopia.  I got this book to share with my artsy 10 year old daughter.  She loves drawing things and crafting so I thought this was an activity we could share together.

This book exceeded my expectations.  She had so much fun trying to see who would draw the images better.  We spent a few afternoons with this book and had lots of laughs.

In the beginning of the book it helps you along and shows you how to draw images of cartoons.  Then in the middle it shows you how changing a few small things can alter the whole emotion of your drawing.  The end of the book gives you less help, but more ideas and backgrounds to add.

At 10 years old, my daughter had no trouble understanding what this book expected of her.  She was able to recreate the pictures for the most part, pretty well.  Her favorite thing to do was to flip to a random page and try to draw the image.

I would highly recommend this book to any adult, teen, or preteen.  It would make an excellent gift for an artsy person.

If you are interested in reading this book you can find it here.

Happy Reading!

 ~*~ The Bookworm Geek ~*~

*note*  I received this book free in order to read and provide an honest review.  I have only given my honest thoughts; I was not paid for this review, nor told how to rate the book. 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

9 Thoughts That Can Change Your Marriage ~ Sheila Wray Gregoire

★★★★☆ 4/5 stars

This book is exceptional!  As the title suggests, Gregoire lists and explains 9 different thoughts that can help you have a better marriage.  The book points out that "marriage is not about marrying the right person, but about becoming the right person."  Often times it is our attitudes and beliefs that are causing conflict in our marriages.  I found many helpful insights while reading this book; after realizing that I can only change myself, it became easier to deal with things that lead to arguments.
I like how the book is broken up into 9 different sections and that the steps are practical.  Gregoire lists the thought, explains how it will change your marriage, and uses the bible to make her point. There are many bible verses throughout the book, and many real-life stories.

When reading this I had many ah-ha moments.   I can already see how things are better in my marriage by applying some of the practical steps from this book.  As a bonus, it gave me a better understanding of many scripture readings.  In marriage, the relationship settles into a balance (whether healthy or not); therefore to really embark on change you only need to make changes to yourself.  This will cause the relationship balance to shift and you may find things going in your favor after all.

I recommend this book to any married woman.  It is written from a woman's perspective and feels geared towards women.  The only reason I took off 1 star is that I found some passages to be redundant.

If you are interested in reading this book you can find it here

Happy Reading!

 ~*~ The Bookworm Geek ~*~

*note*  I received this book free in order to read and provide an honest review.  I have only given my honest thoughts; I was not paid for this review, nor told how to rate the book.